Summary of prices per quantity (tax included)
(USD) 1PHOTO = $5.75* 2PHOTOS = $4.60* (unit) 3 Or More = $3.45* (unit)
(GBP) 1PHOTO = £4.25* 2PHOTOS = £3.40* (unit) 3 Or More = £2.55* (unit)
(EUR) 1PHOTO = 5,00€* 2PHOTOS = 4,00€* (unit) 3 Or More = 3,00€* (unit)
(MXN) 1PHOTO = $117.50* 2PHOTOS = $94.00* (unit) 3 Or More = $70.50* (unit)
(BRL) 1PHOTO = R$30.00* 2PHOTOS = R$24.00* (unit) 3 Or More = R$18.00* (unit)
* Prices per unit. Taxes and quantity discounts included. Valid for Standard License. PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT COUPONS ARE CUMULATIVE.
Image Pricing Policy
We have a unique price list for each type of license throughout the store
We also offer discounts for quantity of images from the second image added to the shopping cart for Standard License. And from the first image added to the shopping cart for Extended Licenses, getting the maximum applicable discount of -40%. (see section 3 of this page "Shopping Cart Discounts")
Our entire store is set up for direct purchases under Standard License.
If you wish to purchase Extended License images you must do so upon request. Go to our Acquire Extended License page.
To learn more about Types of Licenses click here.
1- Individuals:
Prices Standard License:
Price per image unit with Standard License (taxes included):
The price indicated for a single image added to the shopping cart is duly specified in our image catalog next to the sample image.
- (EUR) 5,00*
- (GBP) 4.25*
- (USD) 5.75*
- (MXN) 117.50*
- (BRL) 30.00*
Extended License Pricing:
Price per image unit with Extended License (tax included):
- (EUR) 66,67* But you get it for 40,00 €* (With our direct discount)**
- (GBP) 56.67* But you get it for £34.00* (With our direct discount)**
- (USD) 76.67* But you get it for $46.00*(With our direct discount)**
- (MXN) 1,566.64* But you get it for $939.98* (With our direct discount)**
- (BRL) 399,99* But you get it for R$239,99* (With our direct discount)**
2- Companies and professionals (taxes excluded):
If you are a company or professional from any country of the European Union with intra-community VAT or any other country outside the European Union the prices applied will be without taxes.
In order to have access to our store with this modality (taxes excluded) you must be registered and have filled in your data in Addresses (you can consult our Privacy Policy if you wish).
To proceed send us an e-mail to or fill in this contact form (Subject: Customer Service).
Please indicate the following data as you registered them in dp-PhotoStock.
- E-mail address.
- Name or Company.
- Explain that you are an accredited Company or Professional and you need to have access to our tax-excluded store.
As soon as we have verified your fiscal data we will send you an email letting you know that you can now view and purchase all dp-PhotoStock products tax free.
Prices Standard License:
Price per image unit with Standard License (taxes excluded):
- (EUR) 4,13*
- (GBP) 3.51*
- (USD) 4.75*
- (MXN) 97.11*
- (BRL) 24,79*
Extended License Pricing:
Price per image unit with Extended License (taxes excluded):
- (EUR) 55,10* But you get it for 33,06 €* (With our direct discount)**
- (GBP) 46.83* But you get it for £28.10* (With our direct discount)**
- (USD) 63.36* But you get it for $38.02* (With our direct discount)**
- (MXN) 1,294.74* But you get it for $776.84* (With our direct discount)**
- (BRL) 330,57* But you get it for R$198,34* (With our direct discount)**
3- Cart discounts:
How does it work?
Standard License Discounts:
We offer direct discounts for quantity of images added in the shopping cart starting from the second image in our entire catalog.
- 2 Standard License Images added to the shopping cart: get 20% discount.
- 3 or more Standard License Images added to the shopping cart: get 40% discount.
Extended License Discounts:
- Adding ONE Extended License image to your cart already applies the maximum discount, 40% discount to all added images, also for all those to be added under the Standard License.
4- Offers:
Keep an eye out for our offers! dp-PhotoStock offers occasional discounts throughout the year, which can be a price reduction on selected images or discount coupons redeemable in the shopping cart, in addition to our quantity discounts.
As these are downloadable files, no shipping costs will be charged at any time, although it may appear on the invoice as 0 cost or free. There is also no additional cost for downloading files (see more information about downloading files).
*Prices shown on are subject to change without notice. In case of modification, the prices to be charged will be those appearing at the time of the order. Sales to individuals are subject to the price indicated on the product at the time of purchase including taxes (21%) according to the regulations in the Spanish State. Only companies and duly accredited professionals can purchase the products without taxes (see section Companies and professionals on this page).
**Adding ONE Extended License image to your cart already applies the maximum discount, 40% discount to all added images, also for all those to be added under the Standard License (see section 3 of this page "Cart discounts").