How to purchase an Extended License:


If you want to purchase one or several images with Extended License you must be registered and have filled in your data in Directions (you can check our Privacy Policy if you wish) It is very simple:

Send us an e-mail to from your e-mail service or fill in our contact form from here.

indicating the following data.

  • (subject) I want an Extended License.
  • (message) E-mail address and reference number of the image you wish to purchase with Extended License (you will find it in the "product details" tab on the product page) (6-digit number).

Our store is configured to sell in the following currencies : (EUR),(GBP),(USD),(MXN),(BRL)

To purchase images in a different currency than the default ones sold by dp-PhotoStock, both for the Extended License and the Standard License, please send us an email to and we will try to offer you the image (photo/illustration) in the desired currency.


Companies and professionals (taxes excluded):

If you are a company or professional from any country of the European Union with intra-community VAT or any other country outside the European Union the prices applied will be without taxes.

In order to have access to our store with this modality (taxes excluded) you must be registered and have filled in your data in Addresses (you can consult our Privacy Policy if you wish).

To proceed send us an e-mail to or fill in this contact form (Subject: Customer Service).

Please indicate the following data as you registered them in dp-PhotoStock:

  • E-mail address.
  • Name or Company.
  • Explain that you are an accredited Company or Professional and you need to have access to our tax-excluded store.

As soon as we have verified your fiscal data we will send you an email letting you know that you can view and purchase all dp-PhotoStock products tax free.



 NOTE: You can only purchase the same image in the shopping cart associated with one license type (the default Standard License, or upon request Extended License). To purchase the same image in two different licenses you must place two separate orders.